Completely blindsided and so angry

So I am a facility manager. I am in control of 16 buildings and have a workforce of 7 full time and 1 part time employee. I have a board of 3 guys I report to. In October I was told I was going to get a good pay raise starting at the beginning of the year. $12,385 per year. It was not what I was asking for but they dropped some of my responsibilities.

So here it is first of January and HR sends out a pay scale for each department head. This was ratified by the board on December 10th. So it has been 6 weeks since they decided this. And I find out that they didn't give me my raise by a letter from HR.

I have talked to the fiscal director as soon as I found out and she was dumbfounded. The guys were supposed to sit down and talk to me why I am only getting $6000 per year. Not one of them had the nuts to sit with me and tell me. I see these men multiple times every week.

I feel broken. Completely disrespected, because of the money decrease but also because not one of them felt like I was worth the time to sit with me and explain why I was directly lied to. I have been doing this for years and I have taken my department from a emergency repair department to a maintenance department like it should be. I have sent out emails to them and their assistant. I need a meeting from them in the very near future to discuss this. Sorry just need to vent... I'm 90% sure I am looking for something else. I budget millions of dollars a year. And they couldn't give me 10 minutes to sit and talk to tell me man to man.