Surgery with Dimitrios Giotikas Day 3

My femoral limb lengthening surgery was on the 7th of January. The first day was pretty rough, then it became easier as time moved on.

I was able to do the stairs in my crutches, and navigate using my walker and wheelchair.

Right now my right leg is swollen and keeps swelling despite icing, compression and elevation. No swelling in my right calve.

I over exercised my right leg because it was more stiff compared to my left leg. Now it's swollen to to the point I can't see muscle separation even over my knee.

Giotikas removed anticoagulation drugs for last night after ruling out a potential DVT. It looks to be trauma in the area, and there is pooling (which is why anticoagulation medication is counterproductive).

Other than my incredibly swollen leg, everything is okay. There seems to be a fine balance with exercise/stretching and 24/7 activity is more harmful than it is helpful. Note to anyone else planning the procedure, don't overdo recovery activity thinking more is always better.

Update: After icing and elevating for most of the morning, my swelling is back to normal. Definitely a case where I pushed myself too hard.