60 days sober...when do dreams stop?
Hey all,
I'm 60 days cannabis free after 20 years of constant use. The cravings have subsided and I'm starting to feel good, but I'm still having incredibly vivid dreams every night which makes getting a good night's sleep difficult.
Typically I'm having horrible nightmares and along with the vivid dreams I'm waking up 2-3 times each night.
Has anyone else experienced the same 60 days into sobriety? When does this get better?
Edit: last night I was Batman and faught Willem Dafoe for an hour. Woke up. Then I was working at a financial firm, got caught smelling like weed and was blacklisted at all background check companies like HireRight as a risky person to hire. Woke up from that. Had another dream my wife was divorcing me. Woke up from that and that was my 4 hours of sleep for the night.