In the ER with cuff tear/opening

Edit: Thank you, everyone, for your kind words and all the support! After a brutal wait, some of my surgical team scooped me and brought me back for an exam. It was probably one of the most painful experiences of my life, but they didn't find anything amiss! No popped sutures, no tears and no abnormalities. There wasn't a clear indication of what was going on, so they did another finger sweep and felt nothing. Then I was officially brought back, given some pain meds, and after another hour, sent home under "observe and wait" rules. If any bleeding starts back up, I need to go in again. For now, though, I'm home, clean, and with a heating pad on the couch. Very scary overall, but I made it through! Fingers crossed it was a fluke and nothing else happens!

Hey my fellow warriors. I'm currently in the ER after having some pain and pressure last night which led to profuse bleeding today. Had my 2wpo this morning, funnily, and told her about the pain, but we thought it was fine. Started bleeding at school. I'm just so freaked out that I'm going to lose a ton of blood and have to go into surgery again. I just need some support and well wishes! Thanks all!