How To Deal With a Robin?

I know a lot of people can identify themselves with a character from any media, and a lot of people here identify themselves as a character from our beloved HIMYM. I've been doing this and I self identify as a Ted. For years people who got to know me identified me as a Ted as well. And there's a good chance that any Ted probably had a Robin of their own. The kind of love interest that keeps going and coming. And for years about 4 years I had that person in my life as well. It is safe to say she is a Robin as she not only felt Robin was the closest character to her but also said that she might be The Robin to my Ted before breaking up with me. Evidentially, she was right.

We had a good relationship. We broke up, it was really bad and depressing for both of us. It took a toll on me. I didn't exactly recover from that for about a year, had another relationship in the meantime. But I never allowed what happened in the past effect that. That relationship ended when the girl cheated on me, twice. But before it ended The Robin came back to my life. She was always in a part of my mind. Evidentially I was on hers as well. We thought, since we knew each other, understood each other so well and had great time together we could try being friends. About that time my relationship ended with the girl who cheated on me. However because The Robin was in my life I proccessed it quickly and it wasn't that bad. As I was healing, our "friendship" evolved to something more quite fast.

After about one and a half year of being together again, we had a huge fight and ended things for what seems to be good. We were incredibly close. We both visited the families and met them and spent time with them, not only that but I was also her partner to her elder sister's wedding. Things ended last January.

It's wasn't easy to say the least. But I recovered. I'm not depressed and I don't constatly think about her either. But especially recently, I think I'm kind of missing her. Or the things we used to share and do together. We used to spent most of the day together. After 11 months I still find her belongings in both my own house and my room at my familiy's house. There is no way we could ever get back together after what happened. I don't think either one of us want that, nor our social circle and families.

I don't have any idea on what to do next. I'm not broken. I've been moving forward with my life, steadily. Things are better for the most part. But I feel like I'm stuck with some feelings and ideas about her. Like there's something that just doesn't go away. I don't think it's love. But I couldn't love any one else either. Which is something I was a lot like Ted. It wasn't this hard in the past. Things kinda keep reminding me of her and the time we spent together. With good and bad I remember so much. I don't feel especially bad or good when I'm reminded of her. I don't think a new relationship would be healthy with this thing going on with me. So yeah... I don't know what to do next.

What do you do with something like this? How should one deal with The Robin of their life?