Why Earwig and the Witch CGI looks so off?

So we all know Earwig and The Witches is not loved by Ghibli fans and most complain about the lackluster CGI and I think I can see why the CGI isn't all that good

When doing a adaptation of a children's story you have to consider how to translate the art art style of said book

Studio Ghibli has a sketch book like charm to its art style to it if you seen their hand drawn movies you know what I mean (Ponyo Porca Rosco) it works in two 2D because the colours are more visually stunning making every background and character pop out in every way

This is kinda the issue with Earwig and the Witch when you try to translate that Ghibli sketch like style to CGI it looks messy because you can tell the art style wasn't meant for 3D like the movements of the characters are just so dull theres no personality to them not to mention the colours in the film are so dull and lifeless like nothing stands out and everything just blends in and you can tell it can work in 2D by simply looking at the art of book for the film

A movie that does 2D art style to 3D done right is Dreamworks Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie.

Like Earwig Captain Underpants also has a very sketch like look to them but here's why Captain underpants does it better

First off the art style works a lot better sense everyone looks so very cartoony look to them so it was much easier to translate the art style

Second the way the characters move also works much better with the art style sense everyone has fluid movements and are so much more expressive thanks to the art style so no one looks like a lifeless robot everyone moves in their own unique way which helps a lot

And thirdly the colours in Captain underpants are much brighter and vibrant so the translation to CGI isn't has jarring because it helps everyone stand out even with the simple art style

What do you all think?