Attempted Intro to F10 with Lumenate app... did I do it right?

Super excited to attempt Lumenate to aid my practice. Tried the 10 min intro session, and an open session with intro to F10 track... not much happened, did i do it right?

I've lots of experience meditating and using a number of hemisync tracks, I've worked through Wave I a handful of times. Still not convinced i'm 100% hitting F10.

While using lumenate: can Ofc see colors/light through my eyelids, but it would vary in intensity. Sometimes when i was more focused on the meditation i barely noticed the light at all: it was like a physical block was in my vision/nearly black where the flashing was.

I guess my questions are: am i doing it right? phone is on an arm about 6" from my face, while laying down. Should I focus more on the meditation or the flashing light?

Thanks in advance, friends. Love and light