Inconsistent Volume Level Between PCs
I'm finding that my buds are much louder when connected to my work computer vs my personal laptop. On my work computer, I generally keep the PC volume 25% or lower and the buds are plenty loud. However, when connected to the laptop, I need to put the volume to 50% or more to even remotely match the volume of the work PC. Both computers are Dell laptops running Windows 11. The work laptop is a CAD workstation laptop, personal is an Inspiron 5505.
Can anyone shed some light on how to increase the volume output of the laptop to make it more consistent with what I'm getting on the work PC?
Somewhat related, is it possible to control the buds volume independent of the computer? When I touch and hold a bud to increase/decrease the volume, the PC volume slider moves with it. I'd like to be able to set the buds to full volume and control the listening volume using the PC slider without increasing/decreasing the volume setting of the buds themselves. Basically looking to achieve what 'disable absolute volume' does on my phone but with a computer so the buds volume and PC volume are controlled independently of one another.
Any insight is appreciated!