Placing my bet about the next few chaptes (125-127)
Whether I'm right or wrong, I bet Follo isn't becoming a giver after the flashback section ends. If he survives his wounds I believe he still won't become a giver without a change in mindset. I don't know how fast it happens. Heck, it could've already happened right as he apologized , but I seriously think it'll take more than just understanding his mistakes to make a jinki out of that hammer.
I think his mindset is what stops him from becoming a giver, and although a flashback helps us understand him better, his past and his true motivations which are still not clear to me, I'm not sure if he has the strength to spend on a jinki transformation on that state.
But I can 100% be wrong! This is a shounen manga after all, and I trust Kei Urana to write this story as it is meant to be, as intended by the creator. Regardless of how Follo ends, I still love this story so so much, and I don't mind being wrong in the end :D
How about you? What are your hopes and guesses on his future? I'd love to read it✨