Just got out of hospital for stabilization from sever refeeding? I'm still dealing with the same food noise as before, is this normal?

I just got out of a long hospital stay due to how severe of refeeding syndrome I was in. Before going the food noise was horrible and I could'nt focus on anything but even after being on a very high intake for 2 weeks, I still have it. While it was a high intake, it wasn't anything i really wanted, now I just find myself wanting to eat from boredom or just because some things just seem fun. All I want is stuff like cereal, Ice cream, cheese, milk, all the things that seem fun to have again. Is it just the novelty of a big bowl of cereal or ice cream and eating like an asshole or is it still EH/MH?

I just really need some reassurance on this bc I feel like it should've gotten better as I was in the hospital and am in better shape now.