Friendly Reminder To Get You Bloodwork Done!!

Let this be a reminder to make sure you get your levels checked regularly, ESPECIALLY if you just had a dosage change.

About 5-6 months ago I had a dose increase, but I got extremely busy that I just never had time to get my bloodwork done and I thought I was fine. Fast forward to the past 2 or so months, I’ve been having some bad symptoms, like extremely bad anxiety, brain fog, and drastic increase in my dysphoria as my previously “deflated” chest started to feel more full again along with the return of my cycle.

Confused and concerned, especially since I recently overcame an illness, I went to my doctor and explained all my symptoms. He realized I hadn’t checked my T levels in a while so he immediately sent me to get them checked to rule that out.

Guys… it was BADDD. Like I genuinely can’t believe it was that bad. 20X higher than the recommended range. I feel so stupid for not checking them more often and letting it get out of hand. Now I’m off T for a month to wait for my levels come down, and a possibility the clinic revokes my ability to administer my own T for a while due to “possible misuse” since the levels were so high. I don’t think that will happen since it was a genuine mistake on me and my doctor understands that.

Don’t be like me and please get them checked if you haven’t in a while. Please check them if you had a change in dosage. Take care of yourselves!