I got a refund!
My Frontier flight was delayed 12+ hours and I did not want to sleep in the Denver airport overnight nor miss the event I was flying for in the first place. So of course I wanted a refund.
I did everything to try to get in contact with Frontier. Called, WhatsApp, messaged on Facebook, emailed them a refund request. Nothing worked. I only ever got in contact with a robot. The email I got back was just a copy and paste response telling me to check the website.
After about 2 weeks of this, I filed a complaint with the DoT. I still haven't heard back from them (3 weeks later). Just yesterday, I finally decided to email Frontier again. This time I kept it to a very short paragraph.
Something along the lines of:
My flight #XXXX was delayed over 12 hours. I want a refund for my ticket. The department of transportation requires you refund me. I do NOT want credits. I want a cash refund. It has been hell trying to find a human in customer service to speak to about this"
I don't know how their system works, but I figured I'd add in the word refund a billion times to make sure they got the message. I added 'hell' on purpose in case the robot reader detects it as a curse word and forwards the email to a human. And it worked! They responded less than 24 hours later saying I'd get my $150 back lol
TLDR: got my $150 refund from Frontier after a grueling ~5 week process