Finally! Got my galileo to shoot good and consistent turns out the fcg pins were printed too hight causing drag on the bolt so i drilled the holes bigger and made my own ain’t walk pins out of some steel brake line 😅 working like factory now this build SUCKED what a crap design and shit fit of everything must of been early on for DB because all the other stuff released is great. Shroud didn’t sit center so i made up a shim to go around the carbon tube and in the end to center it and it stiffened the gun up a bunch! I have regular barrel i just made a “sleeve” with the carbon to go over the barrel to match my carbon stock i made. I originally wanted a scope on it but my brothers a cop and his chief gave him a decommissioned red dot and my brother gave it to me and when someone wants to give you a free red dot you take it 😄