Would you do this job without the flight benefits?
The other day I was non revving. As it turns out, I knew the forward flight attendants and one in the aft, so I stopped to chat with them before sitting down. I had a middle seat in the front and I go to sit and the couple was mad that someone was in between them. They argued that they had booked the seats like this so no one would sit in the middle. They caused such a stink that we had to call an agent down.
Later the figured out I was a standby and ranted and raved that it’s not fair that revenue pax should be inconvenienced for standby’s. He said that we shouldn’t be able to fly standby.
It got me thinking if I would keep this job if I couldn’t non rev. I think I would because I love not having a direct sup and I don’t commute. However, I don’t think I could do it full time. My airline doesn’t have a minimum that you need to keep your job. I would have to do something else part time cause this couldn’t dictate my life the way it does.
Just curious, for funsies, would you still want to fly? Obvi if you’re a commuter this wouldn’t work. (And for the record, management spies don’t do this)