My Exceptional Stories Rankings [Potential Resource for Newcomers]
Greetings, delicious friends.
I've binged through a number of ES' based on the January 2024 rankings and people's suggestions in my other thread (thanks a bunch!). I compiled my notes for them here if anyone was interested. I know a lot of the guides are geared towards end-game players, so I'm hoping mine might be helpful for other newbies. I've tried to partially hide spoilers, so if you want to avoid them while looking at the spreadsheet, don't click/expand anything under the Gameplay and Notes columns. EDIT: the list is ranked by my overall enjoyment.
Please note that I am still very early game - not PoSI - so my experience may be quite different from someone who can appreciate the deeper FL lore. For reference, I played and thoroughly enjoyed A Newt by Any Other Means partly because it was my first FL heist lol. I am open to discussion as well!
(Also hoping for more suggestions once people have gotten a sense of my tastes)