Scalpers and resellers are making my heart hurt.

Now I totally understand and respect supply & demand - but for those of us who are just late to a specific party, it’s really disheartening.

I missed out on the FL When the Moon Hatched. I’ve been trying to find one for months and it’s $200 USD consistently. Now being Canadian, our dollar sucking, shipping issues and everything else, I’m just SAD.

Why can’t book lovers just be able to buy the trophy items we love, for reasonable costs. This book was what, $65 when it came out? Now it’s a 300% markup?

Another prime example was Target Onyx storm. I waited online, because I’m too far from the border, and couldn’t get one. The site kept crashing, they sold out. Blah blah. I finally did get one - for nearly twice the price.

Anyways, welcome to my disappointing rant today. I get it, I really do.. especially for older books. Ones that have been out for years and years and well looked after (TOG, Barbie) but all these others? These resellers who buy new books just to flip them? I wish they were banned.