Putting church time over family time.

My daughter and son-in-law live about a 10 hour drive from us. My son-in-law is going to school and serves in the Bishopric, so he is a very busy guy. My daughter holds mutiple callings. We try to plan a few trips throughout the year to visit with them. With their busy schedules and ours, a long holiday weekend usually works better for everyone. That is one full day of driving, two days of visiting and one full day of driving home.

The frustrating part of it all is they will prioritize church duties over spending time with us. Sundays are usually filled with meetings for both of them, so we normally get a couple hours with them before they are too exhausted and tired to spend time with us.

I tried to vent my frustrations to my TBM wife, whose response is, "Well, they have important callings, so I understand". I have asked if they could please skip these meetings, because the church will move on, but its always met with a moment of silence and then a "No, we can't do that."

It is beyond heartbreaking and frustrating to see people put the church over their own families.