My nanna once again tears my mother's entitlement down.
Since you all love my previous story about my nanna and my mother, I thought I would tell you another.
Shortly after my mother moved to Florida, she had 2 more kids. Twin girls. My youngest siblings. She also remarried. Once again, these kids were abused and neglected. She never enrolled them in school so now they are 10 years old and in the first grade.
After 10 years of abuse, the police raided their camper and found my sisters dirty, covered in roaches, and starving. My mother and her new husband were sitting on the couch, drunk and high on either meth or crack. The kids were removed and given to a foster home.
Her husband was immediately sent to jail, while they sent my mother to rehab, and tried to get her better so they could give her back the girls.
She called my nanna (because my nanna is the only family member that hasn't told her screw off) bragging about how she was going to get the kids back.
Mother: The state is going to give me a house, and all I need to do is give the girls a pillow and blanket and I'll get them and the benefits back.
Nanna: Cindy...... Is that all they are worth to you? A pillow and blanket? If that's how you feel about them, then you shouldn't get them back. And aren't you supposed to be sober? You are clearly drunk.
My mother started crying about how everyone hates her, and how they keep taking away her kids (the 4 she can remember) and how much she loves her kids.
Nanna: You may love your children but you don't show it.
Mother got angry and hung up the phone.