Partner tu* and I’m panicking so badly now

My partner used to tu* allllll the time he’s someone who has a super sensitive stomach, and in the past when I know v* isn’t contagious I’m usually able to control my anxiety. But today he went to the beach and on his drive home he called me and told me he had to pull over because he felt lightheaded/was gonna pass out. He didn’t say he was n* just super faint, I figured it was because he was sitting at the beach and it’s been super hot here lately and he told me he didn’t bring water/ food. He gets low blood sugar I think and this will happen to him occasionally (we have been together 3.5 years) and he will feel s* sometimes when this happens but not usually tu. So when he got home he started chugging liquids/applesauce to try and feel less faint, then he went to the bathroom for awhile and I heard the shower. When he came out he told me he tu a lot because of how weird his body felt. I went into complete shutdown panic mode because we have 1 bathroom and a 1 year old son and I started catastrophizing the scenario in my head and I grabbed our son and ran to target to buy bleach and new toothbrushes for me and the baby. I feel like our whole house is contaminated and I sprayed so much bleach all in the bathroom and covered everything and I still feel like it’s contaminated. He hasn’t been s* again and says he’s not sick just felt weird and overheated etc but I’m just so scared of my son getting a sb*. I feel guilty for how insane I am acting but since having a baby it’s so much harder for me to feel like things aren’t contaminated. He has no other symptoms, he just went out to go get food, but I’m just so terrified that the off chance it’s contagious and I miss a spot and I’m just going off the deep end in my head. Sitting here chugging grape juice and waiting for my vacuum and mop to charge now 😭