From your experience, what's the speed your car consumes the least amount of energy per distance travelled?
I've just got an electric car and literally rode 5km with it. So there goes my "experience" :).
I'm wondering what your real life experience is with regards to the efficient most speed that gets you the best "electricity consumption" possible. I'm not taking the practicality in consideration. Pure efficiency.
My gut feel says, just drive slower until a certain tipping point where the power needed to keep all the car systems (except propulsion) running is no longer insignificant. Just non founded and wild guessing here but like 5km/h-15/km would be the tipping point.
I did not conduct any research or don't have hard data with electric cars. I have rode >50000km on electric bicycles and on bicycles it's rather obvious: the fasterslower you go, the more range you have by a *considerable* margin! That's probably where my gut feel comes from. I can't believe that electric cars are very much different. It's bigger, heavier, the engines are bigger, battery is bigger, cars are probably better at aerodynamics, but the basic principles stay the same. Air resistance, rolling resistance, battery, electric engine. Same but bigger tech in cars vs bicycles. Maybe over simplified, but yeah.
Reason for asking is that most websites mention roughly 90km/h being the "ideal" speed. I just can' believe that's true. I'd bet that if you would do 2 test runs in a straight line from 100% to 0% charge, first test run is at 90km/h, second at 40km/h. Although I wouldn't like to wait until the battery is empty at 40km/h, I think the second test run would get me much much farther.
Am I right?
EDIT: one thing I overlooked is that with electric bicycles, you put in power yourself (pedalling) which IS significant power you add compared to the power delivered by the electric motor. Unless you have a Flinstones electric car, there's no such thing in electric cars and if there would be pedals or holes in the floor, the power you'd put in would not be significant, even if your name is Pogačar.