Question(s) about the Bene Gesserit and "The Messiah".

Hello, I'm somewhat new to the Dune universe and especially since part 2 was released I've been doing deep dives into the lore. Please forgive me if my questions are novice sounding.

  1. I watched a tiktok video about the Bene Gesserits and how they have managed to influence and control the religious narratives on almost every single planet in the Dune universe. So, my question is, if they've manged that then has there been other "Paul Atreides" on other planets? Or is Jessica the only Bene Gesserit to break rank and change the narrative?

  2. Do people, people meaning the upper class and other royal houses, realize just how much control and history weaving the Bene Gesserits do just to get their way? Why hasn't anyone tried to stop them? They don't seem to contribute to anything on a technological level. Humanity could continue without them it seems.

  3. Is Paul really a messiah or is he a false messiah since Jessica changed the prophecy? Are the Bene Gesserits following their own religious dogma or does it not have anything to do with religion? I can't figure out is they're a religious sect that has became power hungry or not.