That's it

I am shocked and appalled at the state of medical training in this country. It makes me angry all the time and others are understandably very upset. Speaking to colleagues who took the MSRA, hearing their scores that they worked so hard for and knowing they are not good enough to get a training job that they are more than qualified for disgusts me.

We have come to the point where even the most basic jobs are out of reach for a large proportion of doctors (IMT, GP, etc).

Long term 'SHOs' with training that, in MOST other countries would be recognised, are forced to apply for training numbers (or alternative) years down the line. We have the longest post-graduate training of ANY country and this is only getting longer... *with increased competition and more time out of training. To think that most other countries just have 5 years of training in the specialty of choice.

What concerns me the most is that I am hearing stories of doctors being out of work...

I PROMISE you that this is only going to get worse. Those of us that are observational will soon see colleagues struggling to get staff-grade positions.

I myself have heard several cases of doctors taking MONTHS to get ANY staff grade job. A home graduate who did a special UK deanery associated F1 job in another country applied for the standalone F2 but didn't get it. The said home graduate then put in around 80 applications for junior fellow positions before getting ONE, mostly non-clinical research job. It took 8 months for them to get that job... Then I know of several #locumSHOs struggling to find work for their 'F3' years.

To think this is only the start.. -7ish new medical schools waiting for their students to graduate. -more international applications. -the worsening backlog of applicants to training. -PAs and AAs actively replacing doctors e.g. plans from Leeds hospitals. -the 'long-term workforce plan' that hasn't quite factored this all in and hasn't come to fruition. -Trusts cracking down on locum spending. -ACP and PA Consultants coming soon. -Apprentice doctors

To those of you that didn't get into training this year, I am so sorry! I haven't made this post to make you feel shit about yourselves. Please know that you are all worth so much more and this shit hole of a country doesn't deserve you.

TLDR: training is fucked. Lots of us won't get any jobs, including basic staff grade jobs. I am soz.

For anyone considering other countries, I saw a recent post about Germany. They have simple 5-year post-graduate training in a specialty of choice. They have very little competition and their salaries are MUCH higher for juniors. Plus rent is cheap and the food is good - the cost of living is significantly lower. They also have very post-graduate few exams...

Hope this post gets approved by the mods. I think it represents an unspoken truth/perspective that does add something to this community.