Thoughts on an armourer/war wizard build?

I'm currently playing a level 5 artificer armourer and was looking at taking two dips into war wizard. The extra 3 cantrips nice, consistent access to shield, silvery barbs (I've been using replicate magic item: spellwrought tattoo to gain access to extra spells which isn't great), ritual casting, and the ability to add spells to my spellbook are all wonderful additions. Being an armourer, I don't need to worry too much about arcane deflection stopping my casting as I have alternative options, so I can use it without too much issue.

My main concern is that artificers get some really nice features at both 6th and 7th level. Our DM has been really good about letting me use my tool proficiencies for checks and about crafting things, and flash of genius is already arcane deflection but much more versatile - though it is capped. I am also playing a yuan-ti so saving throws aren't too much of a concern outside of physical affects. Knowing what we've delt with in the campaign so far, the 9th level feature to put more infusions on my armour would be incredibly helpful - though having a buff to saving throws would also cover this issue.

We're only 3 sessions in to the campaign and I'm not completely stable on my character yet, so there isn't a roleplay reason why I would or wouldn't want to do this as of right now. I also know that we'll probably be levelling slowly, so it'll be a while before I see any proper returns regardless of the path I choose.