When the mask comes off

I (50f) have been seeing this guy (58m) since September. I met him on Bumble, he seemed nice, told me he’s liberal and open minded, and never once gave me a reason to believe otherwise. Until…

The other night we were lounging and he was rambling on about stuff in general, which doesn’t bother me as I like to listen. And then, seemingly out of nowhere, he said:

“It’s Adam and Eve, you know, not Adam and Steve.” He laughed.

Literally, wtf. I think he took my surprised silence as agreement and went on an ignorant rant that somehow, to my complete horror, eventually ended up with him mocking his own mother and mimicking her voice.

You may judge me for not confronting him… but he is a bodybuilder, and I was alone with him and in a vulnerable position. I realized I didn’t really know him at all, and he had just revealed himself to be a really hateful, super angry person. I was scared.

I politely made the excuse that I had some chores to get done before it got too late. Thankfully he had things to get done, too, and we parted ways.

I’m not going to beat myself up since I feel like I’ve been very deliberately mislead. I’m really upset and very disappointed.

Obviously I’m never seeing him again. I still have to break up though and it’s giving me massive anxiety, like being forced to walk through a minefield. I’m definitely not doing it in person.

Friends, how do I navigate this?