[NSFW] I want to better understand a common preference women have for hating fast sexual discussions with prospective dates.

So it seems to be a pretty common notion that women really dislike men that bring up sexual topics or turn a conversation sexual too fast.

I don't have any issue with this but I also don't understand the psychology behind it and want to understand the "why" more.

Here's my thinking of why I find it so confusing. We all know erotic fiction and just general porn use are very common among women. Women like sex, men like sex. So where is the friction?

If I have to guess, here are my three vague guesses.

  1. Women are fearful of the tiny percentage of psychopathic men and fear for their safety if the man is too sexual too fast.
  2. She is fearful he is a "player" and will use her, even though we all talk to multiple people while dating?
  3. He's showing a lack of social competence by not understanding women have some societal expectations regarding their need to not look easy.

In my view these 3 reasons are not helping me with my question because, 1. is emotional reasoning, the fear of being hit by lightning or something it is irrational, we take much greater risks everyday without a second thought about it 2. is hypocritical and 3. is something that died out decades ago?

This question obviously doesn't apply to all women or situations, it's mostly about respectable dating for long term partners.

If any women want to help me with this I'd appreciate it thanks. What am I missing, what is the real reason for this?