I'm writing this after one of the most frustrating nights. My baby is 15 months and a few days ago he was sleeping for about 6 hrs straight and then waking up for a little feed. But for two nights he wakes up almost every hour and asks for the breast. Lat night he woke up at 12.30 and I fed him but as soon as I removed him from the breast because he looked asleep, he would start crying. I rocked him to sleep again and he started crying inconsolably when I put him to bed. This happened 5+ times , he would fall asleep while breastfeeding, while rocking, even while riding in his stroller outside BUT AS SOON AS I PUT HIM DOWN IN THE BED, HE WOULD SLEEO FOR 2 MINS THEN START CRYING FOR THE BREAST. I am guilty for not doing night time weaning. What can I do in this situation?? He has never acted like this.