CMV: Therapy, exercise and a better economy, even a post-scarcity economy, won't be able to give meaning to people who cannot create their own meaning
I am a person suffering from alienation and existensial depression. I used to be a pretty fervent socialist and saw making the world as a post-scarcity state, an united world like Star Trek, as my goal in life. However, I realized that wouldn't grant me meaning either because in a post-scarcity society you would have to do something - and the existential dread will then just continue.
I believe there are some people who cannot create their own meaning and no future society will be able to grant meaning people like me that suffer lack of meaning. I also believe that because of this euthanasia should be legal on demand, but this is not the topic of the CMV.
Let me explain what I mean by meaning. I am NOT using the western relativistic definition that is just to pursue your hobby, interest or your "will" (what does this word even mean? Isn't will just biological wants?) but something that seems external or objective. Like working or dying for a purpose that is above hedonism/survival. And preferably having a mentor or guide that can direct you in a path, telling you what you morally should do or not.
What most people call "meaning" doesn't truly help someone like me:
Art - Completely relative. I do think the next stage of mankind is a post-scarcity society that worships art and self-expression, but this will be for an elite. It won't work for a person like me.
Religion - I don't believe in God and you can't come back from that.
Hedonism - The purpose of sex is having children (survival) and drugs is just a lie that helps you trick yourself.
A post-scarcity society where I can do literally art or day or whatever I want to express myself still won't satisfy me. Neither will therapy and exercise. Yes, some will be able to create meaning. But those of us who can't cannot be helped in any way whatsoever.
The only thing that offers meaning would be a God (not an option for me) and some kind of mindless Fascism (racist, evil, so not an option either)
Here's a quote from Orwell that inspired me to post this. He basically says hedonism isn't everything: quote