Group Virtual Interview

Hi! First want to say everyone who was apart my group interview today was fabulous and I wish you all the luck in the world! Your answers were thought out, you looked prepared, and you fit the part. My nerves got the best of me and I feel like I blacked out during the process 💀 but you all looked calm and collected so if you felt the same you didn’t give it away!

This group has been super helpful so I wanted to give a heads up for those of you going into the AA group interview process, I have read that the ice breaker was a question like “something you can’t travel without” or “your favorite thing to do in your current city” but this round of interviews your ice breaker question is a situational “tell me what you would do if a coworker did x”. These aren’t hard questions, you get 30 seconds to answer (more than enough time) but information is power!

I wish everyone the best and happy flying!