Tips to increase supply
My LO was born at 39 weeks and latched immediately. LO lost more than 10% of his birth weight at his first pediatrician appointment and we were told he has a tongue tie. We were advised to start supplementing with formula. We got his tongue tie corrected on day 7 but he stopped latching after that. So I was pumping and also supplementing with formula. He latched when he was 2 weeks old but I was too scared to switch to EBF as I was not confident about my supply and felt he might lose weight or not gain enough weight so I continued with pumping and supplementing. His weight gain is good now but he gets fussy if I try to breastfeed as the flow is slower and he has to work hard. I was pumping every 3 hours and was getting 20-25ml initially and it increased to 80-90ml now at 8 weeks but it's still less than what my LO consumes so we are supplementing with formula, LO consumes 100-120ml every 2-3 hours. I'm feeling extremely guilty that I have ruined our breastfeeding journey. I feel if I had switched to EBF at 2 weeks, my supply would have been better than what it is now. Any suggestions on how to increase supply now?
Things I have tried - Reglan, liquid gold supplements, fenugreek