Is "oh how everything can change" a Countdown?

Alright, I went real far down the crazy hole on this one and I know I sound crazy, but hear me out. (said every nut case ever)...

I have been periodically checking in on the website drone and realized (just as many of you have) that the hue of the black background of the website is getting lighter.... I didn't think much of it at first, but after checking in again I noticed that there is the lightest hue of salmon in the color of black on the site and a thought came to me - what if it's just going to get lighter and lighter until the infamous salmon color is achieved? How long would this take? Down the rabbit hole I went.

So I went on a color picker site, uploaded a photo of the salmon color and the current color of the website, and looked at the color value of the salmon color (100%) and the current color value of the the color on the website (13%) and we also know that the site started at black with a color value of (0%).

With knowing all of this and that the site and stream went live on October 18th that means the color went from 0% - 13% in about ten days. I took that data and plugged it into a date calculator site to see when the color on the website would reach 100% color value (the salmon color)... And it spit out January 1st 2025

This could be just some wild coincidence but thought I would share my weird and most likely meaningless find with you all.

Best of luck to you all.

(I am new to this and am going to try to attach pictures)