Shaken after recent aggressive driver encounter
So I had a recent encounter with a driver as I was commuting home from work.
long post ahead
I live in the U.S.
So I was riding in an unprotected bike lane located on the left hand side of a one way road. A suv (trail blazer size) blows through a stop sign and turns right in front of me as he was turning left onto the one way street. I yell at home and flip him off and move on. A few hundred feet down the road he try’s to swerve into the bike lane to scare me/hit me so I give him a love tap on his rear taillights to signal “what the fuck dude, I’m right here”. He absolutely LOSES HIS SHIT.
Im able to get in front of him due to the nature of the street and the amount of stoplights along that road. So I don’t think anything of it and continue my commute. Next thing I know, about a mile or so later, I see the same car entering the street I’m on from a side street. In my head I’m panicking a little but I ride past him and he turns in front of another car behind me and throws a full gallon of lemonade at me from outside of his window. He misses and it splashes everywhere on the road. This makes him even angrier. So he speeds ahead using some turn lanes to pass cars illegally in order to get a few blocks up in front of me and literally stops in the middle of the 1 lane one way road (holding up traffic behind him) and waits for me to get where he’s at. I realize this and go into survival mode. I turn off a block behind him onto a side street, dump my bike in some bushes, and hide for about 15-20 minutes. That whole time I can hear a car screeching their tires and reving their engine to circle back and try to retrace my steps. I hear a car speed past where I was hiding which I’m assuming it was this guy.
Eventually I don’t hear anything more and absolutely haul ass home taking roads I know he can’t get into whether there’s a concrete curb preventing cars from entering into bike greenways or what have you. I got home and almost collapsed on the patio due to the rush of adrenaline and panic.
TLDR: Was hunted and would have likely been ran over by an Agro driver because I tapped his taillight after he swerved to hit me in the bike lane.
Time have changed so be careful out there folks.
*EDIT: this car did not have any license plates so I could not report. But I did send out some PSAs in our local community to caution others about this person and to be on alert.