Question for seasoned hardswappers : what's your button layout ?
I'm having issues doing fast hardswaps while maintaining character movement.
Now when starting the game as a casual PVE player, I had modified my button layout a bit, essentially by mapping run/dodge to my L2 button and the Ash of war to circle. This worked well for me as it allowed me to control my camera while running and dodging, but it messes with my menuing when I keep my L2 button pressed, as it constantly send me to the top of the inventory.
The fix I have for now is to simply stop running but keep walking while doing my swaps and trying to be as quick as possible.
Does anyone use a different button layout that allows for efficient menuing ? I am not really used to claw grip, and I'd prefer not to use it if possible, but it's an option I'm considering (although it means relearning the game a bit).
Thanks for your time !