Is it me, or the blue that's wrong?

Was progressing through Gael Tunnel in Elden Ring with TT on, White Cipher on, and no Furled Fingers. I was not grace dueling, I was progressing through the dungeon trying to reach the boss. I got invaded, and tried my best to stay away from them, but ultimately had to battle it out. Fight was pretty good, I was enjoying it and wouldn't have even minded losing to them as they were a good badredman that was fun to encounter. As I'm doing so, a blue hunter spawns in finally, and I try to bring the action to them so I can flee and head on to the boss, right?

Well, they began to retreat and use spells to be distracting or blinding in some way. Then they began to draw enemies over to us. Then they began to try and block my passage, preventing me from fleeing. This was strange, as from what I can tell, I have never encountered this person before, so I didn't understand why the blue instantly had it out for me. Fortunately, I was able to get around them, make it to the boss door, and cause both players to be kicked from my game. I also killed the boss first try, so I felt pretty good overcoming all of this.

I decided to reach out on PSN to the blue, as I was genuinely curious what it was about me that made them instantly turn against me. To my surprise, they had blocked me instantly after I made it to the boss! BadRedMen...did I offend this guy in some way? I feel like it was clearly a red trying to sabotage toxic hosts, but are we now at a point where reds are playing blue just to sabotage ALL hosts regardless of how they're handling the situation? Is there truly no path towards being a positive host that provides a fun experience for everyone? I know that sometimes toxic people are just toxic, but is my behavior as a host some how in the wrong? Please let me know, I would greatly appreciate it.

Edit: The feedback I have gotten has enlightened me to the fact that no one has a good reaction to white cipher being used. I do understand why, and agree to an extent, but also disagree to an extent with this sentiment. However, I would rather enjoy my experiences in playing the Multiplayer within this game than create a situation where I'm seen as just toxic. I will use the TT purely solo moving forward and just turn it off when I cannot progress. It is a shame that the multiplayer in this game works the way it does.