Just because 2-3 retail workers are talking to each other, on the floor…
Does not mean we are gossiping or talking about our weekend. We are most likely sorting out merchandise placement, deliveries, breaks, who can spot, who called in sick, unexpected crises and who we can coerce to collect trolleys for the 10th time.
We usually jump to attention as soon as you ask/sneer/demand us.
So please Australia, don’t send emails to managers, bitching about how ridiculously underpaid people, who go above and beyond, and out of their way, to consistently cater and bow to your entitled self…didn’t greet or serve you fast enough to your standard.
Retail workers also aren’t robots and like to say hello and pass a bit of chat with our fellow workers. Usually takes 30-45seconds, and never when there are customers to serve. We never let it get in the way of service, but if you spring us saying a fleeting ‘Hi mate’ to a co-worker, please give us the courtesy of at least finishing our sentence.
I guess if you’ve never worked customer service, this will just seem like a whine.