My producer lost our whole album, what now?
Long story short, my band spent 5 months recording our album, a week after we had finally finished everything his mac broke down. Didn't boot anymore in a restarting loop. Technician couldn't save anything from the ssd, that's it, we're fucked. Now, we hve unmixed bounces of the songs. I'm thinking if there's maybe a realistic way to separate the tracks using one of these fancy algorithms, and actually mix the thing professionally this way. If so, could any of you recommend anything? I'm talking about multiple vocals, guitars, bass, drums, percussion and, in some songs, sax. Sorry for my bad english, I appreciate any insight on this.
Edit: Thank you so much for all the replies, I wasn't expecting that. And to address what seems to be the most frequent question: yes, the producer is going to re-record the whole thing for free. It's the least he can do. He knows he screwed up big time for not making any backups, he's feeling veeeeery bad for that. It was a real blow, but the band is in good spirits with the idea of re-recording, we really want this album out in the world. I will try to reply to every comment, thanks again :)
Edit 2: I'll never forget the Number 3 Rule: main SSD, backup and Cloud
Edit 3: Some people asked to listen to the bounce tracks. I uploaded the latest bounces on drive, and I'm gonna share the link here. I'm not sure if this is a good idea and I might change my mind later, this feels kinda crazy. Only 4 of the songs are in .wav, unfortunately. Here you go:\_link