I solo'd to Masters and there's some interesting observations you should know
I made it to masters by solo queuing and it was just awful. But I just wanted to get to masters no matter what because it was just a crazy itch at that point. I don't want to make it too personal but in a plethora of Ls in my life I just wanted to accomplish at least one thing in that period: to get to Masters. And to be honest I'm not that great. I'm secretly a Diamond player in Masters clothing. So if you're interested in wanting to get to Masters without smashing your controller or keyboard I'll give you some tips for you. Now all of this applies if you're just solo queuing.
Play your favorite but be aware of the meta. If you're not a jack of all trades then you should just stick to one character or two because you feel the most comfortable with your character. This rule doesn't apply if you're in a premade squad. However you need to practice a character from the meta list because there's a reason a lot of people are playing them.
Remember what kind of teammates you have. If they don't use their mics mute them after 5 minutes just in case. The ones who use their mics when they get down are very likely to just namecall you or scream in your ears. Don't get triggered by random people in a game. Also if they do talk and they're nice engage with them. If you don't communicate just know you're decreasing your chances of winning and can't blame your teammates just because they're not mindreaders in scenarios where they can't know everything. Also if they're duos (based on their names or same clan) but in a chat of their own you actually have less odds of winning because they're going to look out for each other rather than you.
Always stick together like glue. I can't tell you enough times that losing or gaining points is based on how far apart one teammate is. If they're not a movement character then they should be near another teammate just in case. If me and my teammates see one who is significantly farther away from their teammates it was always hunting season for us and successful most of the time. It's always funny to see people complaing a stack of three coming towards them and getting killed and saying they're weird even though that's the point of the game. You're a free meal to them if you're just doing your own thing and not sticking with your teammates. On my side I sometimes would pretend to see enemies and shoot in a direction just to get my own teammates near me if they stray too far.
Don't fight with your teammates if they're obviously doing something wrong. I had so many teammates saying he "cracked two of them" when he's already knocked. That's because the moment he said that they are already using a bat or it would've been already done since he commed that 4 seconds after the fact. Especially if that's the first time he used his mic because those teammates will only complain and not help you in any situation.
Position is always king. Getting postion is probably the most important part. Check where the ring is going to pull. If you guys don't have any points and your round three just take post in a building or area so you can get a knock from a fight somewhere else. Your armor is likely blue and nowhere likely to get red at the end of this match.
Always take breaks. If you're on a losing streak and still think it can change it probably won't. It's an ugly cycle. You lose points so you feel bad and prone to make bad choices. You make bad choices and you lose points causing you to feel bad and make the same or even worse choices. I used to do that a lot. Getting breaks is just good for you in general.
Only hotdrop if you are absolutely sure in your skills and their skills. This is like a 'vibe check' and it's probably the hardest difficult way to gauage your teammates. Seeing their stats help but in my experience you should play cautiously if they're significantly lower than you and prepare to just run if you're in a fight. For example I was D2 and my teammates were already D1. I'm going to stick in a fight until the end and we usually come out victors. If I'm d2 and my teammates are d4 then it's likely they are hard stuck D4. I'm going to play safely and play for third parties and never actively fight a team in close range because chances are they're better than your team.