What is the most meaningful anime to you personally?
There are a lot of shows where you can tell that they are amazingly well written and well produced, but that does not necessarily have to mean that they are personally meaningful to you.
What is that one anime that just connects to you on a deeper level than all the others? That one show where you feel exactly what the author was trying to express? That one show that you feel like was written specifically for you? A show that maybe even changed your life in some way?
In what way did it connect to you more than all the others? What makes it so special to you?
For me, it´s Aria. It´s the most beautiful, most calming and most meaningful anime I have ever seen. This anime is a masterclass at taking seemingly simple, everyday situations and uses them to teach unexpectedly profound lessons, that just connect to me on such a personal level. Some episodes in this show have genuinly changed the way I view the world around me, as cheesy as that sounds. There was not a single episode where I was not ten times happier after finishing an episode than before. Any sort of stress I have when starting an episode just instantly dissipates. I´ve seen a lot of anime, many of which I was very invested in, many of which made me very emotional, and Aria still made me feel feelings that I did not know I could feel while watching a show. It´s something that will stay with me for the rest of my life.