Are these sponsor red flags?

So I’ve had 4.5 years clean in the past. I worked the 12 steps split between two sponsors in that period. Ive had a LOT of sponsors, I always seem to find something wrong with them. Even if they’re probably fine.

I recently got a new sponsor after leaving treatment, about 2 weeks ago. Having trouble seeing if these are actually red flags or if I’m just doing that thing I do again. Potential issues:

  1. He doesn’t have a sponsor himself and only has 1.5 years sober. His sponsor relapsed so he just never got another one. He says he has sober friends he runs things by in place of a sponsor. This is a big red flag to me, but maybe it’s actually not. I’m not a good judge.
  2. I call him or text him daily. He hasn’t asked me if I’ve been to a meeting one time.
  3. He tells me things like I’m dysthymic with a flat affect and I’m avoiding my emotions through those means therefore self sabotaging. He was going to walk me through a mindfulness exercise but I was like I’m driving, gotta go; I already have two therapists, I don’t need a third.
  4. He seems to care and ask too much about how I want to be sponsored - he said he and his sponsor did something a certain way, and changed that because he thought I’d like something else better.

Would love opinions and can answer any questions. Friends are divided 50/50 on whether I should break up now or wait until we’re done the 3rd step to re-evaluate.