AC566 diverting to... Bakersfield?
Happened to glance at FlightRadar24 for fun while it's raining buckets of cats and dogs here in the SF area, and saw AC566 going around from around 2000 feet, overflying SFO, and making a left turn... and then just going and going. Eventually, FR24 said it was diverting to BFL. That's a pretty long way away and I'm a little surprised there were no closer alternates considering how many airports are in the area (OAK, SJC, SMF, STS, MRY, list goes on and on). I suppose they would've briefed and chosen their alternates before departure, and so would've picked one that was likely to be well away from the weather, but I feel bad for people on that plane who probably have no other way to make the roughly 300 mile roadtrip back!