Whats the max Wifi speed the Series S can achieve?
I cannot find any information about this simple question, when you google about this, no site or no one seems to know. I have a 1gbit internet connection, but I mostly just get around 220mbit/s over Wifi with my Series S. This would suggest, the Series S just has an incredible slow and outdated Wifi modul which can just achieve 433mbit/s over 5GHz (would suggest the Xbox just has one antenna instead of two which is the norm for mostly all phones since years), because Wifi is half duplex. I am using 5GHz and Wifi 6. I know the Series S doesnt have Wifi6, but I had at least expected the Series S would support 866mbit/s (80MHz channel width) over 5Ghz or even 1733mbit/s (160MHz channel width) over Wifi5.
- for Wi-Fi 5, 866 Mbps (80 MHz channel), or 1733 Mbps (160 MHz channel) -- 256-QAM, 2×2 MIMO