Is speedweve a gateway drug to full scale weaving?

I treated myself to a speedweve-type darning loom a little while ago. I’ve been playing around with it a little and now I just want to start weaving like full-scale fabric. Is that a normal reaction? 🤣 For weavers out there… what’s a good beginner level loom? Asking for a friend…

PS - I know she ain’t perfect, maybe i shouldn’t darn a heel as my like 3rd attempt?

I treated myself to a speedweve-type darning loom a little while ago. I’ve been playing around with it a little and now I just want to start weaving like full-scale fabric. Is that a normal reaction? 🤣 For weavers out there… what’s a good beginner level loom? Asking for a friend…

PS - I know she ain’t perfect, maybe i shouldn’t darn a heel as my like 3rd attempt?