We hate vote by mail and ranked choice voting?

Senator Harper took time from his busy schedule and gave a helpful update in the Taylorsville community counsel meeting Tuesday night. I was surprised to find the majority of people in that meeting want vote by mail eliminated completely. There was a "fairly energetic" exchange where anti-VBM people expressed "it's patriotic and important" to go the polls and meet your neighbors and vote. It was also blasted out that "you can write a cheat sheet" to make it easy to vote. There was a lot of accusations about corruption in VBM. With some people saying it was corrupt as hell. I believe there was a general sense of "I love to vote in person, so everyone should."
It caught me off guard. Am I the only one who has had to stand for hours, waiting to vote (prior to VBM)? Am I the only one to not be able to vote because of the flu, or a massive snow storm, or kids that are sick? I definitely remember getting sample ballots, figuring out who to vote for, then finding the actual ballot was completely different.
All that was nothing compared to rank choice voting. Wow. Universally hated. Sounds like a corner case occurred in Alaska that really had people up in arms.
Anyway, Harper is against both, so, either way, let him know how you feel.

Go to this site, put in your zip code, zoom in a bit and click your neighborhood. It'll bring up your Rep and Senator. It's super easy to follow the links and send them a message. https://le.utah.gov/GIS/findDistrict.jsp