Recipe Help

Hi! A restaurant near my hometown sells Thai Fried Rice and it's my FAVORITE dish of all time. I'm trying to recreate it! I have a lot of stuff but I think I'm missing something.

It's super oily but it's a light oil, it doesn't even feel like oil to my body. It's a super pale color, barely any yellow. I assume this is avocado oil, but would love other ideas.

It's spicy, but I know that's Birds Eye Thai Chilies. I have those ordered.

The first time I tried to recreate this I used a cheap fish sauce, and it was horrid. I recently purchased three crab fish sauce, but I don't know how much to add.

Their version has the rice being extremely light. Any soy sauce I buy will darken it too much, I don't know of an alternative for this.

Importantly there is NO basil in this. I don't like basil anyways, but every recipie I find has basil.

Anyone got a receipt or any ideas for me to recreate this? I'll always frequent this restaurant when I'm in town, but it's further away now and so I cannot go as often as I like. So don't think I'm stealing business or anything! :) thanks for your help!!!

Hi! A restaurant near my hometown sells Thai Fried Rice and it's my FAVORITE dish of all time. I'm trying to recreate it! I have a lot of stuff but I think I'm missing something.

It's super oily but it's a light oil, it doesn't even feel like oil to my body. It's a super pale color, barely any yellow. I assume this is avocado oil, but would love other ideas.

It's spicy, but I know that's Birds Eye Thai Chilies. I have those ordered.

The first time I tried to recreate this I used a cheap fish sauce, and it was horrid. I recently purchased three crab fish sauce, but I don't know how much to add.

Their version has the rice being extremely light. Any soy sauce I buy will darken it too much, I don't know of an alternative for this.

Importantly there is NO basil in this. I don't like basil anyways, but every recipie I find has basil.

Anyone got a receipt or any ideas for me to recreate this? I'll always frequent this restaurant when I'm in town, but it's further away now and so I cannot go as often as I like. So don't think I'm stealing business or anything! :) thanks for your help!!!