These razor blades reviews on SHEIN
I think i might have stumbled down a rabbit hole. Nearly all reviews on razor blades, even while being different products— is filled with these. Why is SHEIN not filtering these reviews out? This could be triggering for so many people, and there's terms now for all this? As an elder/former emo, this is Wild. This is not okay.
From urban dictionary:
Hitting beans/ 🫘 : a term used by people who actively self harm, used to describe cutting deep enough to expose the layer of fat underneath the skin. named after the fact that the bubbles of fat resemble beans.
Fruit ninja: suggests someone’s cutting themselves.
Hitting styro: Slang used by self harmers for the dermis layer of skin. If you hit styro, it means you've cut down to the dermis. Styro cuts will be white at the bottom and will take a few seconds to start bleeding. They also bleed way more than cat scratches, and scar a lot worse.