Rewatch: Catelynn and Tyler shaming Farrah for selling her body

I always noticed April mildly sticks up for Farrah but Catelynn seems so hurtful and manipulative. Especially at the end when they mock her and then act like it was because they care.

I don't always stick up for Farrah but I felt for her here. I think she meant well when asking about their decisions but because of her word salad she didn't articulate it properly. Not really her business but I think she rightfully knew that getting pregnant so fast after breaking up would throw them off track.

And she was right. They never went back to school and now they're the ones selling their bodies on OF. Nothing wrong with that of course but I always wondered if they acknowledged the hypocrisy.

Same with Amber. Before they hated each other, Amber said on camera Farrah never should have been taken off. I always respected her for that.