My "Why" is fucking lost!
Kind of a Rant. Feeling hopeless today.
I am a high school Art teacher. I used to feel like I was making a difference. I used to feel like the lessons I taught were engaging and students who applied themselves (it used to be like 85%) were really learning and getting better at Art. I used to think it was important.
Now, I feel like I am wasting my time and I am starting to think I need to do something else. My "Why" is completely fucking lost. These kids are mostly not engaged (maybe 20% are). I try to give them choice and voice in their art but they don't seem to want it. I build relationships the best I can and it doesn't seem to matter. They are constantly on their phones, playing games, checking social media etc. They don't care to work hard to see results. I used to see students who might struggle through but improve greatly but now I see capable kids with no work ethic. I used to say, the juice is worth the squeeze but these kids don't want to squeeze.
I really want to continue to teach Art because I sincerely believe the arts are important even though Admin, parents, and society in general don't seem to value what we do. I really don't want to quit because I know it can be better. I've seen it be better!
If you teach high school, and you sincerely believe that you are engaging the kids (and they have some access to their phones) please let me know what you are actually doing?! I have cell phone rules (in the box or in the backpack) but they don't give a fuck. It's a constant battle. We all know writing them up does absolutely nothing. Admin is useless when it come to consequences.
I'm a good teacher. I am just so defeated right now. Is this just the new normal? I really don't know if I can do this for another 20 years.
Edited to add... this is year 7.