What are Sam & Dean actually fighting for?

Hear me out 😊 Ok so I've been binged watching this for the 3rd time... yeah don't judge meπŸ˜… Previously only got to S3 But now I'm nearly done with S15

If the angels are bad God is bad Demons are bad (sometimes... but they seem to be more good then angels)

Q: What are the brothers actually fighting for?

For people? To live and when they do die, they go to heaven which is full of bad angels?? πŸ€” like I don't get it...

Really seems like they made the demon characters more likeable then the good ones. Lucifer was good character but making him "god" was weird, even if it was for a brief moment.

Also they killed waaaaay too many good characters. Crowley and Rowena were my utmost fav characters on the show Bobby & Benny too

Actually wanted to cry when Rowena died.

Not sure where they were going with the whole bring Mary back thing. Only to kill her again later. Bobby or Benny would've been better imo.

Characters that could've have more storyline that died too quickly, Benny, Bella, Ellen, Jo and Meg (Rachel Miner) could've all had good stories and should've been kept on the show longer, imo. They were so good.

Also, I wonder why they made Sam so weak? Like he's always getting beat up... then Dean has to save him.

They were brought back from death so many times it just wasn't shocking anymore... why didn't they being other good characters back? They should've given them powers when they came back at least, imo.

Dean's character took a turn for the worst imo, the funny Dean was way better than the cold hearted, harsh Dean. He just turned mean... a bit confusing too. Like before Jack died, he was being mean to him, not a natural reaction if they are "family". Bur then was sad because he was gone it was all confusing Dean. Also didn't like they way he towards Cas when he told cas he was the problem (err no Dean at that point it was you, poor Cas was trying to help) also they didn't consider Cas' feeling at all when he felt the loss of Jack, that was just so sad. Sam ignored him and Dean kept bashing him. I liked the Dean in the earlier seasons, that episode where he's scared of everything was the funniest. All his little quirks where lost towards the end.

Only up to S15 ep5, I guess God is bad atm let's see where it goes.

Still don't get what they're fighting for tho...