Nando’s Arc
I know I’m a little late to the party, having just watched the movie and this being my first experience really diving into the story.
From a storytelling perspective, one of the things that struck me most was Nando’s character arc. At first I thought he was gravely injured, which he obviously was, but even after recovering he became a bit despondent for a couple of weeks mourning the losses of his mother and sister. He initially seemed like a character who was not going to be critical to their rescue.
Of course, the exact opposite turned out to be the case, and having re-watched it a second time, he seemed to be the first one making comments about walking out. But obviously just beyond his trek, he showed exceptional leadership skills towards the middle and end of the ordeal.
I’m just wondering if this was the character arc they were going for in the movie, and if it is consistent with how it played out in real life? Was Nando predispositioned to being a leader beforehand? Like was he an alternate captain or something on the rugby team?
It is always fascinating to me to see who rises to the occasion in dire situations and who does not. Sometimes the results surprise you. I guess I’m wondering if anyone was surprised it was Nando who really led the charge in the end.