CommunityFirst ≠ BabysittingFirst

After debating for 2 whole weeks about the DCA contract there are still some that are behaving surprised if the DCA contract set to sell the whole wallet is indeed.. Selling the whole ammount? Quote: "they promised to keep these tokens", they didn't promise to keep the tokens, they stated that there is a burning strategy, PERIOD.

It's not up to you, me, us, where are they going to take these tokens or if they are going to buy them in order to complete the burning transaction. They kept their words until now, the problem is pretty different, do you want to trust them or not? That's the only question. The "uncertainties" have been here with us since day 0 during presale, there is no breaking news, you can say that they are selling their tokens and that you would see this as a red flag, yet we don't know anything about their holdings, the only certainty is that our wallet distribuition is much better now and in line with other succesful tokens (PEPE, wif, doge, etc).

If their goal was to bail out and say to the community "fuck you" they could do like the 60M wallet, sell the whole chunk (high slippage) right after announcing a big fake "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT COMING SOON", yet they decided to sell SLOW at a LOSS, in the most transparent way (DCA contract), if you still want to call it a scam then provide a logical explanation that would clarify why this strategy could be considered malevolent.

A lot of the big wallets are increasing their bag, we can't be sure about any news or listing but this is exactly the condition we got when the token first got released, if you want to bet for the success of the project this is the right time to do so, if not, well.. Find a more suitable project for you, the doors are always OPEN, both if you want to join both if you want to leave.

This has always been a community first project, it will REMAIN a community first project and NOT a BabysittFirst one, for a reason, no one should be wasting time and energy to try to convince and babysit any emotional investor, if you want to play the high risk high reward game then play ACCORDINGLY.