[Acne] Obsessive Lurker with Differin Woes
- Wash with water, sometimes Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Daily Cleanser
- Wait until dry
- Melano CC Serum
- Wait until dry
- TJ's Hyaluronic Acid Serum
- Wait until dry
- Cerave Ultra Light Moisturizer with SPF
- Wash with Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Daily Cleanser
- I heard it's good to moisturize with damp skin but this really stings no matter what I use!
- Wait until dry
- Moisturize with Cerave PM
- Wait until dry
- Differin
- Wait until dry
- Moisturize with Cerave PM
- Vaseline all over face, thin layer
* Occasionally, maybe 2x a week with ample time in between the rest of my routine I will use Stridex red box or Pixi Glow Tonic to help with this texture issue.
I started Differin on April 12th starting with three times a week. I have now gone up to almost every night except when my face is feeling too dry to handle it.
I started using Biore UV Water Essence on May 3rd. I started using Melano CC Serum on Saturday May 4th. In this time I also started using Neutrogena Hydroboost Water Gel and oil cleansing with Baby Oil.
Around May 9th I had a huge breakout from incorporating too many new products and not patch testing them. Lesson learned.
I took four days off of differin and started buffering again early the next week. I took it slow and only applied it twice that week.
At the end of May I was using just differin and my tried and true products - Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Cleanser, Cerave Ultra Light and Cerave PM.
After I worked back up to every other night on differin I started *carefully* using my Stridex Red Box (doesn't burn) and Pixi Glow Tonic (doesn't burn) on occasion to help with the texture that I have never experienced until this breakout.
The re-introduction of Melano CC has been going well and I continue to use it.
My skin is still more bumpy than it's ever been before. The last year I had been making strong progress with closed comedones and SFs with Stridex, Pixi Glow and Neutrogena.
I know I have to wait it out with Differin and am committing to 12 weeks of using it to see progress. I've been strong for a while dealing with my first purge a couple weeks but I'm just so frustated at my current progress. It feels like my skin isn't clearing up from the break out or I'm having a second purge but the texture on my chin is driving me crazy.
I've noticed that since starting Differin my skin has gotten a lot more sensitive and I used to moisturize with a damp face but no matter what goes on my face if it isn't fully dry *stings*.
Even TJ's Hyaluronic Acid. Even Cerave PM, my tried and true. Is this an ingredient not agreeing with me? Why after 4 months of continuous use of Cerave PM am I just now experiencing burning when applying to even slightly damp skin?
I want to incorporate a heavier moisturizer and now I'm kind of terrified of trying new products, not to mention the face stinging part. Should I try an oil? If so, are there any recommendations for sensitive skin? I've read the sidebar articles about Oil Cleansing but I'm worried the Baby Oil isn't great quality.
Is Differin not agreeing me or do I just have to wait this out until the end of July (when my 12 weeks is up)?
Pictures for reference, Sorry for quality
(I know this is a text only Wednesday and I'm just a long time lurker so I apologize if this doesn't count)